To Live In Your Eyes

To Live In Your Eyes
I want to live in your eyes...To see the hope you see in your fellowwoman's goodness;To sense the trust you have in those that lead you;To see through your eyes the world's clamor for your gentle smile and inspiring genius.I want to live in your heart...To feel the music embrace you, encompass you and stir your soul,as if carried on the sea's tempestuous wave, soaring upward as you kiss the sun's radiant glory, the music filling your senses.I want to live in your arms...As you embrace the challenges fearlessly;To feel the courage you summon from within that strengthens your hand of determination, as your arms you symbolically raise in quiet, unspoken victory.And recompense...I live in your song;That fills me with joy and brightens my soul,My heart overflowing, held captive am I, by your magnetic call.And I walk as if in a dream, crossing into your orchestral world.And thus, satisfied...I love to live in your song.
Tarek Nassif
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