The Bird Who Couldnt Fly

The Bird Who Couldn't Fly
The little bird was placed in a golden cage.When the birds outside peeped through the windowHis owner shut it and let the curtains down.He fed him and decorated his cageBut the bird lived in a dark golden cage.When the little bird tried to whistle back to the birds outsideHe was beaten.Yet the owner "loved" him and told him not to crybecause the birds outside would harm him if he went outside.He fed him and sang to him everydayBut the bird still lived in a dark golden cage.One day, his owner decided he was too old toCare for the birdSo he let the little bird out.The now happy bird was surrounded by his friendsWho asked him to join them in the skyBut the little bird couldn't fly...
Tarek Nassif
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