Let Me Hold Your Hand

Let Me Hold Your Hand
Let Me Hold Your Hand
Let me hold your gentle hand and feel your warmth;Let the stream of life flow through each other.Let me take you with me to where time never ends,To where love is divine, where two souls are one.Walk with me on the soft sand of a thousand years,Where each grain is an instant, a bit of eternity;Where the footprints we leave are erased behind By the incessant ocean's wave, the wave of time.Let's embrace until we feel to be not two but one;Until our hearts beat in unison, a pulse of love;Until in your eyes I see your soul, you in mine;Until your mysterious glow and mine become one.Let me hold your gentle hand, let me kiss it softly.Let me whisper from my soul my love you.Let our lips come together into a kiss endless....Then, in the glow of the moon, let's lie and rest...Until the wave will take us to the eternal glow.
Tarek Nassif
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