An Angel With Me
An Angel With Me

With him she will always be, She will cherish every moment For all Eternity.. Her love for him feels so right and so true... She will guide him through the darkest night's, She will be his light for the rest of his life. She will catch him in her wings and comfort him if ever he should fall... She will softly wipe any tears that may fall from his eyes... She will wrap him in her soft white wings if ever he is sad.. She will wrap her wings around him every day for the rest of his life, And whisper softly the powerful words .. I LOVE YOU... Through good and ill she will be there,To say a pray in mid air. She will take him in her wings, To a place where there love begin's.. it is here where there hearts and souls will sing songs of LOVE.. It is here where the love will be like two little white DOVES.. And there love for each other will be for all Eternity.... With LOVE always Angels will live.
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