The Saint Lady
Beginning of september 2005
She was the wonder of my worldThe sacred sculpture in my templeThe standing rock in my ocean. . .Even now that the earth blankets herAs I began to believe she was gone,I had a dream that she did not vanish-Fresh garlands adorned her silken curlsShe swayed in her white dress,She danced lightly to the rhythm of the falling cascades.Slid down the purple hills in to the desert,Crossed over the rivers of life, under the lanes of eternity.And then she comes back to meOut of that somewhere we dare not imagine She softly croons Songs of the sun, lullabies of the night,Whispers in my sleep the words I already knew:"I live everyday every night is born,I am just whitely invisible. . .to you, my love " She whispers.
Tarek Nassif
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