Laugh In Silence

Laugh In Silence
Whenever the sun brightened
above the hills
i open my window
and with great feelings
I say:
Good morning Dear friend
I say good morning
with my heart beating,
then words tumble down
from the high summits
small and shy
then grow and grow
such as snow soccer
colored and bright
like the rain arch..
How you are far from the eyes?
and close to my heart
Dear friend
Whenever remembering you
laugh like a girl
running in the fields..
Hide my mouth with my hand
and laugh in silence
laugh and laugh
and see your warm
honey colored eyes
through shrubs
also laughing in silence
Excuse me my friend
Have you been waiting for long?
The summer dust
fill the place,
i'm a lonely daughter,
and it's my duty everyday
sweeping the house courtyard
very soon will be the time
for the afternoon tea..
There beneath
the old pine tree
the family gathering will take place
They will eat and have fun..
Are you tired of waiting
Dear friend
Please be patient
we will talk in the evening
wait for me after sunset
the kid will sleep,
and parents will be busy
watching the news.
You will see my windows widely open.
I'll tell you all about
my wonderful stories,
and you'll listen like every time
until the end
Hear without fatigue
And you dear beloved
Is it not your turn
to read your poems
and recit your verses
and feed my soul
with the golden love wishes..
You don't know my friend
how much i'm tired,
and how iam exhausted
Dear beloved
just tell me
when the moon will rise again
just tell me
when the flower will bloom again..
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