Monday, August 11, 2008

The queendom of love

To bring about the Queendom of love we have to start by loving. “It is not through hate that hate is conquered. It is through love. This is a law eternal” said Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. “You have been told, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and do good to those that hate you” said the Son of Mary. I can be grateful that, unless I fall ill and die or have an accident and die or am killed or a devilish idea takes hold of my mind and puts it back into the clutches of something less than love - of greed and delusion; of ignorance - I may still have a few more moments upon this earth to learn an art and a science and a practice which I have paid little attention to in the past: the art and science and practice of loving action in daily life. I believe all developments in all of the arts and all of the sciences of human thought are but the expressions of this one art and science and practice - the art and science and daily life practice of loving. There is such a thing, in my mind, as loving too little. But there is no concept of loving too much. It is impossible to love too much, because if I love the whole universe this is not too much at all. Loving too little is due to my partial blindness and inability to fully see the beauty and splendour of love herself. Loving too little is due to seeing that beauty and splendour of love in one form alone - a beautiful woman, for example, whom I may be particularly attached to - and ignoring that beauty and splendour in countless others who pass my way in my daily life.But if I invest in the woman I love my love for the beauty and splendour of love in all people, in all places, in all things, then I invest in her my inmost thoughts and feelings towards that which I hold highest - and I recall in her a manifestation of my love for love.



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