I'll Wait
I'll Wait

I'll wait with a beautiful patience
and a passion hope..
I'll wait
like the plain wait
the clouds love
and lay down on you my only love shadow
when it sleep
and when your footsteps
passes the immigrated roads
i send my heart
a peace messenger
to guard your pulse...so that
no dark silance pass over it
and if your lips felt thirsty
and the rain immigrated
i'll purge my water
in your soul hands
make it a love spring...which
will creat and send the life
again in your roots
and if the sadness touched you one day
and you felt the tight world
i'll read to you one verse
from the love book
write the love code
knit the roses at your footsteps
and sometimes sings
the love dove songs..
I'll wait
even if my time passed me
and departing time arrive
i'll listen to your steps
and dream that..
only on your soul hand
the ends live .
Tarek Nassif
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