Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Precious Possessions

In order to truly love we need to hold love, at all times, as our most precious possession. The essential cure for every psychological ailment is provided, ultimately, by a loving heart. Every human problem can be transcended when there is a sufficiently deep love between human beings.No man or woman can exist in an island without love and be happy. In order to be a happy island it has to be a loving one.Love has existed long before the first woman or man. Love has existed since the beginningless beginning of the universe and will continue to exist until the endless end of the universe, because love, like the universe, is without beginning or end.Love is a continuum, and the whole object of all true religious and moral teachings is to tap into that continuum: to live with it and through it and by it, and never to live without it. All other conceptions of religion or morality are long out of date.We are beings existing in an inter-transposable world of spirit, as energy, and matter, as mass. One cannot exist without the other. And the best way to order this spirit-matter substance which we are is to hold that subjective state called love in the highest; not forgetting its objective manifestations. That subjective state called love, which spurs us on to a world of exemplary objective actions, is a state which knows more about harmonious order than any other imagined state.True love knows well the science and the art of taking from people their superfluity and giving them a gift more precious than any other: the knowledge that they are beings worthy of true love.What good are our religious institutions if they are bereft of true love? What good are such institutions if they do not teach us how to truly love? If our religious institutions can truly teach us how to truly love, then they are institutions we can never afford to do without - they are as essential as the very breath of life.For us to truly live life, we have to learn how to truly love.



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