The spirit of love
What is God?
We know the traditional answer to that question, yet many of us who are sincerely searching would like to know more.Gods and goddesses, at one level, are an embodiment of our own thoughts and aspirations, given ‘personality’.I wished to follow the path of love. Then I invoked the ‘spirit of love’. But does love have a ‘spirit’? Yes. The ‘spirit of love’ is in the hearts of all those whose desires, thoughts and actions are motivated by true love. The ‘spirit of love’ dwells in all those people and beings. Now the spirit of love is like the wind, going in and out of corridors, blowing through the leaves of trees, across oceans, and so forth. The spirit of love is also beyond the wind, in that it dwells below the wind in the hearts of dolphins and whales and other beings of the sea, and in the hearts of moles and other beings of the land. The spirit of love in that sense is all-pervasive. Of course by invoking the spirit of love I am actually invoking the power of love within you, within me, within all beings throughout the universe.This is the part of ‘God’ the universe which I love most, in the prime of my health and well-being, and even in sickness, because it is the spirit of love which is responsible for my health and well-being.
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